Wednesday, March 21, 2007

do you realize...


we have an obligation to ourselves and each other to maintain this beautiful opportunity called "the internet"

lets make it worth OUR while...

true true

thanks to Ben the benevolent, and his tireless ears
who knows somebody who can bang out animations like this?
seriously let me know.

Monday, March 05, 2007

what i'm seeing, i'm needing



if you: know, can, want, have; done, met, seen, know; about, how, who, what, where......
let me know, cause even before you've told me, i love you, thanks

ps> i see you browsing, so start commenting, remember: intercommunicated wisdom, it's the whole idea...

Friday, March 02, 2007

It's happening all around us, like a collective chant murmuring, "we want a better info atmosphere"

cheers to nate "chuckles" barbarick
he has a blog as well, i'll find it...