Thursday, September 24, 2009


> BlankPageBeginnings <

so come on over, it's much nicer there.

+ nick +

Monday, February 09, 2009


pretty sweet, but what about when it's shown here...


it makes me so happy to see it work.

Monday, January 26, 2009

a sense of wonder, a question of fate. would it be great? :)

[ read after you visit the link ]

multiple aspects of of our culture lead me to believe that a lot of this type of speculation has merit and in all honesty, with the current state of living room technology, the cable companies that are now evolving into gatekeepers of the web, the growing list of products that cater to serving custom entertainment, MMO's and networked platform gaming (xbox 360, ps3, wii [which provides the open-source opera as its out of box browser]), not to mention the positioning of the platforms in anticipation of an emergent market for processor heavy with minimal storage, nearly all wireless!!! so i'm wondering what this means? is it inevitable? How can the medium be exploited for user benefit?

Oh i forgot to mention... i saw something interesting today on cable, on channel 125 (!) i was captivated by a seamless presentation of interesting insites. A channel dedicated to supplying viewers with fringe news, quirky web-based trending (i.e. search term popularity, video popularity, etc.). This entity has established an incredible relationship with viewers/users. current com.

I'm just trying to get some feedback on this notion. It's been something wearing on my mind. nawing gently, but nawing none the less. validation? verification? critiques. whatever...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


this was the greatest game ever ! ! !

and somebody strung the cut scenes into a movie just for us !

Watch Full Throttle in Entertainment Videos  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Tuesday, November 25, 2008




Future Virtual Learning Environments >


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a SHAME, but....

I can't really talk about anything i'm working on at the moment!?! And this coming from a proponent for open information economies! I will say that i've stumbled into a renewed interest in my work at Microsoft. It finally feels like our little ( freaking HUGE ) project is finally rolling :) Everything outside of work is going dandily now as well !!! I may even be able to talk a lot about some of the upcoming work, but for now I must say, mum's the word.

What i can do though is engage in a little digital brain-spewing of interesting crap. So hold on to your butt's, cause T.O.B... is about to give you a some goodness that'll run through your mind like fiber through your duodenum!!!


Front: 3-D Spatialization with Imagination.

Also, Front has a habit of making things that make me very happy. Like this motion activated lamp. It stands up when you enter the room! so nice! Or wallpaper that a rat has chewed to provide the pattern. i wanna work for these smarta damer

The Unfinished Swan: Sweet Interaction

The Unfinished Swan - Tech Demo 9/2008 from Ian Dallas on Vimeo.

XBOX 360: The Soon Be Revamped Dashboard.

New Xbox Experience from Joerg Neisser on Vimeo.

Theo Jansen: Animaris Rhinoceros


As always, TED rules.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So here's a couple of videos that made me post! This pen looks awesome ( and relatively speaking, it's inexpensive! )

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

for funz




(kristina, you brother rulz, you do too ;)




(i still can't watch this enough)

coming soon: a slightly more intellectually stimulating post!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

totally SWEET-EN


swedish design


swedish art


swedish flora

Idsa Midwest Merit: What is thePoint?

swedish nature

wrkn hrd / hrdly wrkn

swedish digs ( this is the office i'm working in pre clutter )

been a bit to long but all is well. livin' lovin' the swedish island life. The Sommardesign Kontoret is off to a great start this year. Sixteen students a quarter of which aren't swedish natives ( four in and out for jobs / school ), three coordinators / managers, and ten projects! The "design for all" and the built environment never got so much attention!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

gimme sum mo

I don’t think I’ll ever know who makes things the way they are. And it doesn’t matter […] It doesn’t matter who hires me, because they’re all guilty or they’re all being used by those who are. It’s like being surrounded. Wherever you shoot you hit the enemy […] What I do is like throwing a rock into a pool. The splash doesn’t matter, only the circles it makes. (Andrew Vachss)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

excerpt from a short essay

[This is from a class i should have taken four years ago, but ended up taking as a super senior. My teacher Emily Robbins saved me with decidedly interesting topics, thanks Emily, comp II couldn't have been better]

Percy is, in the end, undeniably correct in his breakdown of experience and it’s culturally tainted undertones. Where I think he is faulty is in his generalized reproach of educational packaging. For example, when Percy speaks about the difference between a person dissecting a dogfish on the shore versus in the classroom he implies that we as assumptive beings are incapable of escaping the institutionally imposed formatting or standardization of thought without being an atypically astute student. In reality though aren’t the conditions laid before us, within the classroom, similar to those forced upon us by nature. Aren’t there benefits to precedent in our undeniably post-modern station, and aren’t those the only reason we can approach situations like these comfortably without any severe sense of wonder. Allowing us to stroll precariously the borderline between modern and ancient
mysticism. I’d say that the actual problem at hand isn’t how or where we receive the information, but that many times each of us as individual learning entities takes the information for granted. Passive acceptance happens in the natural world just as it happens in our current state of industrialized commodification.

I do recognize the difference between what he calls “common” and “complex” approaches to understanding, and I can see the value in his pragmatic approach to perception, but in the end isn’t it the variation between each individuals assumptions that become the most valuable aspect of culture. What would we be without the transference of knowledge, and it’s eventual transition into accepted wisdom? In short, we would be less intelligent than a majority of the earth’s creatures, perpetually pure, and prone to eating poisonous berries all the time.

The problem isn’t the situation itself but the possibility that an individual is unaware of variation within the situation. Complete freedom is slavery. To be progressive and effective one must take into account the nature of the information afforded them and the context of the environment in which it is learnt / taught. In this format methods can become less relevant, and the educator can rely more upon the curiosity of individuals working with, not necessarily within, the parameters suggested them. Thus allowing context to inspire not dictate.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

E pluribus unum, sine qua non...

from many, one - without which it could not be

Arrow's impossibility theorem

i found these searching for dr.stranglove + RAND + cold war

ps. i still need to post on the conference, i'm a bit slow these days

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

IDSA Midwest Conference>

new business cards! Only business cards!

pimp me nick devine

i still need to finish the descriptions of each slide but...

006 combined

click the link below to see the presentation on flikr.

i'll post an actual post in a day or so...
